Tag: 07728 Freehold

Freehold Holiday Gift Guide

The holidays are marked by festive activities, such as spending time with family and friends, decorating homes, and of course, shopping. Whether you find...

Freehold Public Library: ‘Not just about the book’

The Freehold Public Library at 28 ½ East Main Street just reopened after 22 months of renovations.  While library services never stopped and were running...

Letter from the Editor:

Hello 07728! Who is ready for the holiday season? I sure am! I love this time of year as family and friends get to...

Downtown Freehold: ‘Our own little slice of Americana’

In New Jersey, there are 564 different municipalities, but there is only one downtown Freehold. It’s a place that fills you up with that local...

‘It was an exciting time’

Twenty-five years have passed since the 1999 PONY (Protecting Our Nation’s Youth) Fastpitch Softball National Championships in Sterling, Va. The Freehold Township Tornado went into...