When it comes to your social calendar change is … not always good. But sometimes it’s inevitable. Check each organization’s website for updated event information.
Monday, March 10
Teen Library Committee will hold a Pi Day Pizza Party at 4 p.m., Freehold Public Library, 30 Mechanic St. RSVP is required, www.freeholdpubliclibrary.org.
Saturday, March 15
Books and Bunnies – Read to the Bunnies at 2 p.m., Freehold Public Library, 30 Mechanic St.
Sunday, March 16
Freehold Borough’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Wednesday, March 26
Jay G. Grubb, author of “Land of Sins and Promise” author talk. Presented by Come Write In! and Friends of the Library at 7 p.m., Freehold Public Library, 30 Mechanic St.
Saturday, April 5
Stem/CAD program presented by 4-H at 10 a.m., Freehold Public Library, 30 Mechanic St.
Human Relations Advisory Committee is hosting a Unity Walk on the terrace of the Freehold Public Library at 3 p.m., 30 Mechanic St.
Saturday, April 19
Get ready for an EGG-citing day at the first annual Easter Egg Hunt with the East Freehold Fire Company, 191 Dutch Lane Road. Registration starts at 9:45 a.m. and the hunt kicks off at 10:30 a.m. From noon to 2 p.m., there will be a meet-and-greet with the Easter Bunny. Pictures by Mirrored Memories NJ.
Freehold Borough Recreation Commission is hosting a socially-distanced meet and greet with the Easter Bunny from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Freehold Fire Department, 49 West Main St.
Saturday, April 26
Commemoration Ceremony for the Sesquicentennial of War of Independence 1775-1783 will be held at 11 a.m., Wikoff Hill Burial Ground, located between No. 20 and No. 22 Great Bridge Road, Freehold Township. Officials will recognize one of their own who was captured during his first skirmish and become a prisoner of war. After much research, they were able to obtain a marker that commemorates Private Hendrick Williamson of Freehold. This will kickoff their campaign for “Monmouth 250” celebration in the township.
Monday, May 19
Mark your calendars for the 26th annual Ray Kershaw Memorial Golf Outing at Battleground Country Club supporting the Freehold Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse. Shotgun start at noon.