Hello 08071! Who else is tired of this cold weather? Although I do love the beauty of the snow, I could do without the below freezing temperatures! I am excited for you to check out our Winter edition magazine dedicated to the lifestyle and community of Pitman.
We start our issue with a visit to the Pitman Fire Company No. 1 where they are preserving values with changing times. An evening meeting at the Knight of the Golden Eagle Hall on June 12, 1901 marked the creation of the first fire company in Pitman. On March 28, 1902, Pitman’s first fire company began service equipped with 12-foot and 16-foot extension ladders, three axes, a fire hook and around 24 galvanized buckets. According to the company’s Battalion Chief Andrew Gresko, much has changed with fire service in general since then and since he joined in 2000 from types of calls to state training requirements, which are among the areas that changed the most. Learn more starting on page 3.
Next we get to know the Pitman Senior Outreach Committee and all that they do. The committee formed in 2016 and previously met at the VFW hall. “It started out small where seniors met to play a few games,” Committee chair Eileen Salmon said, noting the borough does not have a dedicated senior center. With increased funding from the borough over the years, Salmon said they have been able to provide so much more and eventually outgrew the VFW hall space on Oakcrest Avenue. The Pitman Methodist Church Fellowship Hall at 758 N Broadway has provided them with enough space to welcome more seniors and space to prepare lunches if need be during their monthly luncheons. Check it all out starting on page 8.
We round our issue with Wible’s Tree Service where David Wible’s love of trees, animals, and people has led to celebrating over 30 years in business, providing Pitman residents with care, protection, and management of their trees. At the end of day, Wible feels satisfaction in a job well-done and enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with others. Wible’s namesake company, founded in 1994, continues to pride itself on exceptional work every day. “No job is too small, and every job is as unique as the homeowners,” Wible said. “I have a great team, and we all love what we do.” Learn all about the business starting on page 10.
Also check out our Planning in Pitman on page 15 for future community events and check out what your neighbors prefer, Polar Bears or Penguins? on page 5. All of this and more awaits on the pages ahead!